Braeburn EarlyON Program Calendar

Family Guidelines for Indoor Programs

Braeburn EarlyON
Indoor Programming during COVID-19

Drop in and Pre Registered Programs are available for all families with children Birth- 6 years.

Registration is first call, first served. Participants can register by phone (647) 273-5558 or in person. If you haven’t pre-registered and there are spaces available on the first day of the session, we will do our best to accommodate you. Spaces are limited.

Everyone in a family/caregiver group are asked to self screen for COVID-19 prior to and upon arrival.

If you or anyone in your home does not feel well on the day of the session, please call EarlyON but do not come in person.

Code of Conduct: By participating in drop in programs, you are agreeing to follow our established code of conduct regarding self screening and frequent hand washing/sanitizing. We want you to be supported but if anyone in your group seems unwell you will be asked to leave the program for health and safety reasons.

Masks are strongly recoommended for participants 12 years and up while on Braeburn premises indoors.

Hand Sanitizing stations will be set up in various places within the program space. We need you to sanitize your hands when you arrive and frequently during the program. Participants are asked to use hand sanitizer on wash hands after using the washroom after coughing or sneezing (cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue or sleeve), before and after putting on or taking off a mask and before and after feeding or changing an infant.

When you arrive:  Please refer to the Covid Screening poster and wash or sanitize everyone’s hands before entering the program space.

If you have a stroller, please drop it off first in the designated stroller storage area.

We ask that all personal items (soothers, infant food etc) are labelled before arriving to ensure that they are not shared.

We request that you limit the number of personal items brought to the outdoor EarlyON program.

Other information:

  • Garbage pails will be available for used wipes, tissues etc.
  • Bins will be available to put your child’s mouthed or dirty toys and books.
  • Washrooms are cleaned before and after each program session. Where possible they are designated for EarlyON
  • Frequently touched spaces are disinfected twice daily.
  • Program toys are disinfected after every program.
  • EarlyON team members will self screen daily and are strongly encouraged to wear medical masks.

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